Friday, March 13, 2009

Movie Review- Watchmen

This is an amazing film, loaded with theological fodder for discussion. But then again, many superhero films are.

The central plot of the film centers on a team of superheroes, which is in s state of quasi-retirement/disarray in 1985. One member of the team, an aging hero called The Comedian, is attacked and thrown out of his high-rise apartment window. This is discovered by another member of the team, a masked avenger called Rohrschack, who believes that, due to the current political/social climate, someone is trying to kill superheroes. The rest of the film centers on him trying to convince the other semi-retired team members to reunite and stop whoever is doing this.

Vengeance is a big theme in the film. But really, the main theme of the film is power. What are the limits of power? What is power? And, when using power, where is the line of demarcation between hero and villain? (The film could come into play when discussing, teaching, or preaching on the difference/relationship of power and authority.)

The film (and graphic novel on which the film is based) takes it title from the famous quote by the ancient satirist, Juvenal: "Who watches the watchmen?" However, I would also opine that it could be taken from the passage in Ezekiel where God says to the prophet, "Son of Man, I have appointed you a watchman over Israel." Either way, it works.


Despite the recurring issue of vengeance, there are some Gospel handles to be had. There is a scene where Dr. Manhattan ponders saving a planet that he "no longer has any stake in". However, he intervenes out of love (for Silk Spectre). This also presents an interestingpoint of discussion. The main villain causes the deaths of millions to bring about world peace. It makes a powerful statement on death being necessary for salvation (a key part of the Gospel of Jesus). I'll leave that up to you.


There is one depiction of a minister doing a funeral.

I highly recommend this movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude! I love the new blog! I especially like the "Gospel Handles" and "Clergy Handles". Excellent work!

in Christ,