Monday, February 9, 2009

Movie Review- The Reader

Here again, we are presented with a film that is not so much theological, as it is moral. Some might argue that you cannot separate the 2. That debate is not the purpose of this review.

This film is an emotionally-taut exploration of a certain kind of human relationship. In this case, it tells the story of a teenager who randomly meets and begins an affair with an older woman. The affair lasts for one summer. He sees the woman years later as a law student who observes the woman on trial for war crimes due to her involvement in the Nazi atrocities. The rest of the film deals with the continuation of their relationship after they no longer have the physical/sexual aspects of it.

All sorts of morality issues are at play here. There are obvious 6th-commandment issues. The theological issues which can be raised in a discussion are faithfulness to vocation, what it means to care for another, and the classic "Who is my neighbor"?


This film, as I stated above is not so much theological as it is moral. Thus, Gospel handles must be imported. There are themes of service, servanthood, redemption, Law, and responsibility. There is a good scene which would serve as a good sermon illustration which is a dialogue on absolution and forgiveness between the lawyer (ably played by Ralph Fiennes) and a Holocaust survivor.


There are no depictions of clergy to speak of in the film.

This film is worth seeing. However, if you have an aversion to graphic sexual sitauions (whether they advance the plot or not), you may want to skip the first 40 or so minutes. Either way, you will be rewarded with a satifying drama. Kate Winslet's performance is not to be missed.

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