Sunday, February 14, 2010

Movie Review- Valentine's Day

Let me get my bias right out on the table. I am not really a fan of the so-called "romantic comedy". Actually, if I'm being totally honest, it's probably me least favorite drama. Nevertheless, as a service to you, my partners in ministry, I will review the film for you.

The film tells several stories at once. Essentially, each person in the story is trying to celebrate the perfect valentine's day. No one actually says this phrase, but you can tell it's on the characters' minds. You pretty much don't need to know much more than that.

Theological discussions can take place as a result of this film. However, as you might expect, much of it deals with Sixth Commandment and sexuality issues. Sex outside the boundaries of marriage abounds in this film, both as premarital and extramarital. But, we have to remember, Hollywood is not in the business of teaching Christian values or propagating a Biblical worldview. That said, I believe this is a pretty accurate reflection of our present culture.

Another discussion which may stem this film is the topic of "purpose". In this context, as in many romantic comedies, "purpose" is equivalent to "meant to be", at least relationally speaking. In any such discussion, the distinction among purpose, vocation and choosing a mate should be made clear.

One final point should be obvious, though I will state it. This film could serve as a springboard to the story of the actual St. Valentine.


Naturally, any film called "Valentine's Day" traffics in "love". Many different kinds of love exist, and they are reflections of God's love for us. There is a line spoken by one of the characters that actually is a pretty good Gospel handle. he says something to the effect of love means loving the other person entirely, not the just parts you like. What a good description of how God, who hates sin, showed us His love by sending Jesus. He redeemed us, even though we did not deserve it, or do anything to make God "like us".


Some nuns are depicted. In one scene they hold a baby for a busy and slightly disorganized mother. Outside of that, they don't do anything particularly nun-like.

if you like romantic comedies, there is a good chance you will enjoy this film. I however, prefer other genres.

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